Campos de líquenes (Teloschistes capensis) en el desierto del Namib (Namibia)

Experimentos de sequía y calentamiento para estudiar los efectos del cambio climático en vegetación mediterránea (Laboratorio Cultive)

Muestreando la estructura y funcionamiento de ecosistemas dulceacuícolas en la laguna del Barco
(Sierra de Gredos, España)

Laboratorio de análisis de compuestos químicos y nutrientes en muestras fisiológicas, ambientales y farmacológicas (Laboratorio Nutrilab)

Valle de Ordesa desde la ruta de los Cazadores
(Foto: David S. Pescador).

Bosque nuboso de Monteverde (Costa Rica)

Global Change Research Institute

Formally created in September 2023, the IICG is a research institute at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos with 60 researchers working on the advancement of science at the margins of knowledge with a clear vocation for public service. Its staff and laboratories are located on the Móstoles Campus of the URJC.


The MISSION of the IICG is to become a national and international reference in its field of research, as well as to serve as a bridge between the academic world, public administrations and society.


  • To become an international reference institute in research related to Global Change.
  • Development of excellent Basic Science, consolidating the national and international leadership of the IICG-URJC research team in the field of ecology.
  • Development of effective Applied Science to contribute to the improvement of society’s well-being. Ecology is intended to serve as a tool to overcome the environmental urgency in which we are immersed. This can only be done through what is known as Translational and Applied Ecology.
  • Transfer of generated knowledge to society, including support services for administrations and the productive sector, and a vocation for disseminating scientific results. This transfer to society of the knowledge generated will be carried out through postgraduate teaching activities and training courses open to other sectors of society.
  • To be an efficient Institute, with a high capacity to obtain resources for developing the best possible research while maintaining financial equilibrium.
  • To establish a working framework based on ethics, cooperation, respect for diversity, equal opportunities, and environmental and social responsibility.

Strategic objectives

The IICG has 5 main strategic objectives:

  1. High-impact scientific production.
  2. Technical assistance to Public Administrations
  3. Direct services to the productive sector
  4. Development of innovative actions of a socio-political nature that affect political and business decision-making.
  5. Dissemination of all this scientific and technical knowledge